Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Friday!

In a few short weeks from now I will be headed to Brazil over Spring Break and I can't wait.  This snow and ice is driving me crazy!  

So to brighten my day and hopefully yours, I want to share a picture with you from the last time I traveled abroad.  This is a picture from Portofino, Italy in late June.  So far, I have to say it the most beautiful place I've ever been.  

I look forward to being able to share what I learn about Brazilian agriculture and my pictures with you when we get back. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tigers for Tigers

Here's my second podcast!

Hope you like it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. We are working hard on podcasting in class and I hope to have a podcast up sometime so everyone can hear our progress!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Podcasting 101

The podcast that I listened to was called My Brilliant Plan.  It was from the website This Life and the podcast I listened to was brought to us by several journalists.  It was a very interesting podcast, maybe better described as slightly weird.  The first story I heard was about a father who put his sons pictures and 'death dates' on his pre-ready headstone for when he died.  The funny thing was that the sons hadn't died yet.  They had stolen money from their father and he felt liked the had already died due to their actions and felt the need to make a statement with his headstone.  Strange way to make a statement if you ask me...

The other part of our assignment was read about how podcasting works.  After I've read this, I feel that podcasting is a great alternative to get information and entertainment out to listeners. Podcasting gives people the chance to be as creative as they want and to talk about anything they want.  It is a way to reach others with the same interests as yourself and possibly make a profit out of doing something you enjoy.  I also found in very interesting that the article mentioned that you should tie in the podcast with a blog or website to advertise.  So hopefully once I get my first podcast done, you can listen to it from here-My blog! 

Some of my work

Here's some of the stories that I wrote during my time at the Columbia Missourian.  Hope you enjoy them!