Monday, January 28, 2008

Blog Assignment

This blog is one written by a Ag Journalism graduate from MU. This is a blog that is for fun rather than informative. She can express her views about fashion and the entertainment community freely and let others be entertained by it. I enjoy checking in on it every once in awhile to see if anything has been updated, just for the entertainment. It's a good place to go when you need to take a break if you are interested in these things.

I think blogs are interesting in the way they provide information. This particular blog provides some information about fashion, but no information that is timely and newsworthy. However, some blogs do provide information that could be comparable to CNN or Fox News. This causes the conflict that comes up often when concerning blogs: Who are the journalists?

I personally believe that blogs should be used for more of a recreational use instead of informative use. If you decide to go to someone's blog to find out the latest news, its hard to know if it is going to be accurate or not. Bloggers don't have editors standing over their shoulders telling them to accuracy check their information or get another source. I don't think that everyone who has a blog is a journalist. I think if its a blog produced by a newspaper or other news outlet, then it is credible, but others aren't. Blogs like the one that I chose for this assignment is an example of the type of blogs that I feel should be created. It gives someone a place to write about something they are interested in and express their opinion. It provides links to the fashion items that it talks about and it doesn't leave anyone asking where the information came from.


Bill Allen said...

Good choice of a blog. I like your reasoning.

glamour girly said...

I just found your blog, Laura! Thanks for mentioning me:) I like the look!

Some of my work

Here's some of the stories that I wrote during my time at the Columbia Missourian.  Hope you enjoy them!